Just kidding, although, MTPO is a freaking fantastic game and definitely one of the classics. It was almost impossible to beat without the use of a game genie.I am proud to report that I have managed to beat it without having to cheat! Your character (Little Mac), had to fight his way through several opponents that got progressively more difficult until you reached the end where you got to fight Mike Tyson. All of the characters had their own special moves that became more intricate as the game carried on, except for Tyson who just flat out pounded you in the final fight.
The game was widely popular when it was released, however, Mike Tyson's personal indiscretions forced Nintendo to drop him as the sponsor and delete his character. Mike Tyson's Punch Out was changed to Punch Out! Featuring Mr. Dream, it was exact same game but with a different final character to beat, and yet, this was a far inferior version than it's predecessor.
Other Punch-Out! games were made for later version Nintendo systems (like the SNES), but they weren't nearly as popular as the original.