Monday, March 21, 2011

Who Knows Big Nose?

Alright everyone, at the risk of boring everyone with a game I feel was not popular at all back in the day I must ask, does anyone know "Big Nose the Caveman"?

Despite the ridiculous cover art, the game play was kinda fun. You essentially run around killing dinosaurs, although I can't much remember why...I think they took your food or something. You also had to collect bones, which you could then use to by some massive upgrades! This game had fun little cut scenes in between levels which showed you what was coming up in the next level which, for a 5 year old, were absolutely hilarious. A real downside to the game was the inability to save, if you died you'd go all the way back to start. Bignose was incredibly frustrating, but a lot of fun.

Another weird thing about the game was that the game itself was not the original Nintendo Gray, but instead, a shiny "gold" that you only ever see on a few other games. I would love to show you a picture, but none of the google ones do the game any justice and I'm too lazy to go grab my camera and take a picture of the game. So instead, I'll offer some video of the gameplay!


  1. Hmhm seems not really interesting, i would rather play super mario bros 1 or 2 again.

  2. nah never heard of it, but I doesn't seem to be very good either. but the cover is funny

  3. wow! i remember this game, total flash back im try to download it once i get home. love me sum retro games, thanks!

  4. i'm sorry :/ definitely don't know this.

  5. It's from my era, but I don't recall it. Gameplay doesn't look all that great, however.

  6. It looks real similar to a game I used to play, but a little older. It had something to do with cavemen, ha. Either way, you struck my nostalgia bone.

  7. Never heard of it. Where do you come up with this stuff? :)

  8. Pretty much same as everyone who commented XD

  9. wow, this is a classic (before my time, i'm an SNES kid). it sounds like an early fusion of rpg's and side scrollers. pretty cool.
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